A little bit of background, my husband and I have been together for a total of 10 years, but we got married almost three years ago. Last year he told me that when we were a year into our relationship he cheated on me and was just then deciding to tell me. Prior to when he actually cheated he had kept a secret from me which involved his ex-girlfriend. So up until last year he had lied to me for 100% of our relationship (as far as I know). A few months ago I was seriously considering divorce, which I think is something that anyone would think in my situation, but nothing came of it except for me writing it down in my diary. I have severe depression so I write to cope, but I also keep it hidden. Today he found it and read it and now he’s upset with me, obviously. He’s mad I thought about divorce and I’m mad he invaded my privacy. I don’t know what I can do to make the whole situation better. How should I handle this?

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