I need advice here. My girlfriend and i were long distance for awhile after highschool. She moved back to japan and i stayed in canada. Last year i went and visited her in japan for a month. Right before i left i kinda told her i dont know whats going to happen as we had no plans to see eachother for awhile and i said maybe we should break up but it was never really confirmed. Now a year later we are going to university together in canada and all is well however i saw old messages on her messaging account and i need advice.

So basically these messages entail that up to 10 days before i left her last year she was talking with her ex boyfriend and planning to get with him after i left. It seems as though they got together one night and im unsure as to what happend. Now last year she told me that they got together and kissed and she regretted it and only did it because she thought we had broken up however the evidence suggests that they were talking before i had left. She then continues to talk with him for another couple months before breaking it off and never messaging him again. So i ask, as i am quite hurt right now as she didnt really tell me the truth a year ago. Do i bring it up, i feel like this is something i cant hold back. Is there even a point to me bringing it up to her? I love her and i know she loves me, i even have a ring for the right moment to propose to her and i have told her im gonna ask her soon so she knows. Im just kinda confuzed as to if i should care about this or not.

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