For the context, me and my gf have been together for 8 years. Have been living together for over a year now, and she is trying to shape me into her “ideal man” (that’s what she said). She doesn’t let me hang around with people I was friends with over 10 years, she doesn’t allow me to have or ride my BMX bike which I did for over 5 years before we moved in together (she tells me that it’s childish and she doesn’t want people to talk about how her man is hopping around on a small bike).

I am kinda sad that this is happening because I am with her for over 8 years and to throw that because she isn’t the person I thought she was. It’s weird and I feel like I will be the bad guy if we break up

I am just don’t feel free since my gf doesn’t let me do things I would like to do in my free time. She just wants me to have focus on her.

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