I’ll keep this short. Earlier this year I decided to travel long term and ended meeting an amazing guy. We instantly clicked upon meeting and kept chatting for about 1 month before we agreed to travel together. We’ve been traveling together for the last 4 months now, basically glued at the hips 24/7. We get along well and rarely have arguments. Recently, he gave me his phone to book something through a chatting app while he goes to take a shower. I admit it, I snooped and I know it was wrong of me. Anyway, there was an old message he had with a prostitute about meeting up but he never went through with it because she was so expensive. I felt my heart dropped because the message was only 3 days before we met again to officially travel together. For additional context, we have a more than just friends relationship. He told me when we got together that he got tested and his last sexual partner was before him leaving his home country. Now I don’t know what to believe or what to do. My head is still reeling from finding out this information. My feelings for him has dwindled significantly but of course, not all since we shared so many good moments and weathered through some storms together these past months. So reddit – what do I do? Do I confront him or should I simply leave to go solo again? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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