Ever since I was conscious about my actions I have always felt like an outcast every group I’ve been, nobody really understands me I don’t have friends, I spend my entire time alone, When I was in my early 10-15 my parents and my elder brother used to fight each other, there used be alot of arguments and I was neglected both at home and school. And When I was 13 I started eating more and gaining because I was coping with my shit life and I started gaming as well and got bullied for being fat, and ever since then my self esteem was shattered I stopped going to social gatherings, meeting people because I was so tired of being like treated like shit. I used to stay inside gaming and eating coping with my situation. When I try to approach people ok we shook hands, I try to initiate conversation, and then the next day when I see them again they act like I don’t even exist they never welcome me. It is always me who tries to talk but when I don’t get the same response I feel it’s better to be myself, at this moment Iam losing weight and getting in shape but that’s not helping me much I just feel like there’s something wrong with me. Iam maybe incapable of forming relationships with other people be it romantically or peers. If you’re reading this far, I would be more than happy to read your response and suggestions. Thank you.

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