I’m super embarrassed. Today, my husband and I met up with one of his professional school friends who he hasn’t seen for years. It was 4 of us, his friend and his wife, my husband, and me. Waitress came to take their order, then turned to me and I without thinking asked if we could do separate checks. Then there was this pause before I turned to my husband and realized I made a mistake. I quickly said oh nevermind to the waitress. No one said anything and we just kept carrying on.

I was so embarasssed the whole time though. I never intended to split the check nor make them pay since they are the visitors. I always ask for a separate check when my family eats with my sister’s family. We spend a lot of time with my sister so my sister and I always ask for separate checks to avoid having to remember to pay each other back. We had just gotten back from spending a weekend with my sister’s family so I think it was just a slip of the tongue without thinking??

When the check came, I don’t know how they got a hold of it first and tried to pay for it, but my husband and I both insisted on paying and was able to get the check back to pay. I tried really hard because I think I’d have to hide under a rock if they paid for us.

I’m cringing whenever I think about it. My husband was like yea that’s embarrassing but doesn’t think they’ll think much about it. He’s laughing his ass off about how embarrassed I am though 🙄. Ugh I feel so tacky.

Question is: They’re staying with her parents which isn’t too far from us and leave to go home on Saturday, so we were thinking of inviting them out for dinner during the week and paying for dinner (so they can also meet our kids). Is that weird/trying too hard? I feel really embarassed and self conscious about it, and can’t shake it off. Also, it’s probably better not to try and explain it if we do see them again right???

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