My boyfriend (23M) is still close friends with one of his ex’s (also 23M). In front of me, the ex will be very physically affectionate (touching/ jokingly punching his arm, ruffling his hair, etc.). My bf has told me when I am not around, like when his friend group has movie nights, the ex will cuddle up on him.

I’ve asked him about it, without mentioning that it bothers me, and my bf says he thinks it’s strange but doesn’t want to say anything to the ex.

As context, before we started dating, my now bf slept with this ex without telling me, and we had an agreement at the time to tell the other if we slept with anyone else.

I haven’t told my bf that this bothers me, because I don’t want him to think that I don’t trust him or that I have a problem with his friend group. I also suspect if I asked him to say something to his ex, he wouldn’t follow through. Should I say something anyways?

TL;DR my bf lets his ex cuddle him when I’m not around.

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