So my gf and I both became sexually actively about a month ago and we are both each others first partner. I am uncircumcised and when I masturbate the foreskin mostly goes back and forth over the head, never normally going fully back behind the head as it can almost get stuck there. So far we’ve only had sex with condoms and I find the foreskin barely moves at all and often just seems to get ‘stuck’ retracted behind the glans. It’s not super comfortable or pleasurable and I’ve been finding it somewhat difficult to finish. Sometimes I can manage to get it to glide over as it usually would but it doesn’t last long. Am I wearing the condom incorrectly or is this just the way it goes?

  1. Sounds like they may be too tight. You could also try putting a drop of lube in the tip of the condom/lubing up your glans before you put the condom on.

  2. It’s the way it goes and even without a condom the foreskin tends to stay like that. Soon you get used to it. Maybe try an extra lubed or thinner variant to see if it feels better. But after not long it all feels like nothing

  3. pull the foreskin back when you put the condom on.. also get the right size and material thats comfortable for you. Im uncut never had an issue with condoms, typically the only time it can get caught up inside the foreskin is when i take it off and there is some sunction there. but not during sex

  4. Put the condom on, roll the foreskin back, roll the condom down, roll the foreskin back up, roll the condom the rest of the way down. 

    Put a bit of compatible lube in the tip as well to really make it feel as close to natural as possible. 

  5. You just have to get used to. My first time it was sensitive but after some practice your skin will just glide back no problem

  6. What are suppposed to do is retract the foreskin all the way back, unroll the condom halfway down, pull your foreskin back to resting position and then unroll the condom the rest of the way. That way the condom glides with your foreskin as you thrust during sex.

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