Hello. I am aware that trust is EARNED, not given. Such is giving me a hard time with accepting the fact the guy I am talking to has lied about a few really pointless things.
He told me he does not have Instagram, but that he has Snapchat. Usually guys tend to lie about Snapchat, but in his case, it was Instagram. I happened to do some stalking and found out he DOES indeed have Instagram, not only that but it’s public. Not under his name, but I was able to find one of his friends, then them eventually. He told me he deleted the app a long time ago yet he still posts on his story daily. I thought he could be hiding something, but nothing is apparent. Doesn’t seem like he has a secret gf or anything. The people he follows are not sus, nor are his posts or comment section. He also lied and said he never takes videos of the concerts he goes to, which is not true he takes a LOT. What’s up with the pointless lies? He also told me he pretty much never lies, which makes me SO confused. He will be blatantly honest about other stuff he knows I disapprove of or don’t like, so why is he hiding this??????

The other thing is, I know you cannot just go based off of intuition, but I usually have a pretty good one. Before this, I had never met anyone more open / honest than him. I am so confused and wondering if he has secrets or something? Was he embarrassed about his Instagram? I almost lied and told him I didn’t have one but decided against it…

TLDR; guy lied about having Instagram, said he never lies except for sometimes withholding information he is not specifically asked for (I am guilty of this too), and he also lied and said he never takes videos of the concerts he goes to….which he does?????? What am I supposed to make of these lies when he is always very open about his life, past, and never shies away from telling me the ugly stuff even if he knows I may not approve….. him lying about these things seems like a red flag, but again I am confused when he is honest about really important things

What do I make of this???????

  1. Sounds like a pathological liar. I’d steer clear as if he’d lie about something so trivial, when can you expect him to tell you the truth? How can you trust anything he says? A relationship is not built on lies and deceit.

  2. The title alone is a red flag. If he lies about little things what makes you think he’ll be honest about big things?

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