I just dated this guy for 2-3 weeks. Things were doing great, he was texting me and we went on a few dates. On the 4th date, he told me he wasn’t seeing where this were going, but the last time I saw him he was interested and very invested…

I don’t understand why and I can’t get over IT because there is no explanation… I think I attract him physicaly and he told me I was nice and that it was working out as friends. So if it is not compatibily of personality or physical appearance, what could it be that he don’t want to tell me?

I just find this amount of time very small to know that you don’t want to see someome when everything was perfect the week before. I don’t know what to do. It should not be that big of a deal but it is to me and I am just thinking about texting him to ask a few questions that I didn’t ask when he talked to me because I was too shook. Is it a good Idea or should I just never talk to him again? I want to know what went wrong to not do it again. He told me that he didn’t met someone else too.

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