He works in an active job and he also doesn’t drive so walks for about 40 minutes commuting to work about 3 or 4 times a week. However, at home he lives a fairly sedentary lifestyle and sits for hours watching tv. He doesn’t eat well and eats lots of junk food. He was previously a vegetarian and was told previously he had low iron about 5 years ago, however, he doesn’t take iron supplements. To be fair, he still doesn’t have a good iron intake. He smokes weed about 3/4 times a week. He doesn’t take any medications and will have alcohol about once a month.

He complains of feeling tired a lot and will fall asleep on the sofa in a matter of minutes. He doesn’t have any energy or motivation to do any of the cleaning when he’s home. He could sleep all day and not have any problems sleeping at night. He has no motivation for sex and doesn’t initiate very often. He has absolutely 0 desire for me. When we do have sex he has no issues getting hard or staying hard. But he also hasn’t been able to ejaculate in me. He has always struggled with this issue throughout his relationships, but he has never gone this long without cumming with a girl before. He described it as he “can feel sensation of sex at certain angles, then he will lose that sensation and have to reposition himself”. He did say he masterbates “every other day”

I’m at the end of my tether as someone who enjoys sex…. can’t see a GP as there’s only 1 currently working in his surgery and the appointments are reserved for “emergency only appointments” and it’s been this way for months

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