I dont know if this has been posted yet, but its about smiling.
Yes, smiling, an absolute life changer. I used to be the guy who always had a serious and emotionless face and simply couldnt smile physically. When people smiled at me, it was so hard for me trying to smile back. But now I dont, and Im most of the time smiling effortlessy. So why I couldn’t smile before ? Because a serious face means that your face is under tension, so you physically have troubles to smile or show emotions, and the cause is mostly from stress. So what I did was smiling with an extremely wide smile and holding it for 15 sec, pause and repeat for 3 sets. I instantly felt that my face was more relaxed and smiling became a lot easier. My confidence rised so much because of this, smiling is magic.

edit: As people mentioned, the eyes are super important. Dont just smile with your mouth because that is creepy indeed.

  1. I realized this long ago but I’m insecure about my smile and teeth and it also seems so awkward in my head but third person wise seems find

  2. I feel really fake when I do it. Any I think that my smile is kind of awkward.

  3. Tbh I’m naturally smiley but I have/had two problems

    1) my voice is really monotone so I look kind of creepy when I smile and talk.

    2)I almost always smile when I talk but usually other people aren’t smiling back. This used to be embarrassing for me but I do not care anymore.

    I agree with OPs advice but the practicing part is weird to me. I guess some people just need to do that

  4. I will add that a smile involving your eyes feels more authentic than one just using your mouth.

  5. Yes I agree! I’ve been fake smiling my way thru tense video meetings at work lately and it really makes for a smoother meeting.

  6. I know it’s going to sound weird but when I really do smile then it does not look like it at all and it hurts/feels sore/makes my face feel tired. Even more if I fake a smile since this engages even more muscles…

  7. I used to smile a lot. Got comments from people about it. They didn’t like someone who smiles so much. A birthday party for me exs daughter I arranged for her. One of the other parents was there. I was happy walking up to the party area. Gave a big smile. This woman just looked at me and the turned away. Was sitting in the meeting room with the team. Six of us. The team and the manager. Someone cracked a joke about something that wasn’t directly related to me as a contractor. Everyone was smiling and laughing for a few moments and just instinctively I was smiling too. My manager (74 year old women) turns to me and says “stop smiling”. I felt ashamed. I didn’t understand. Later I asked her why it was inappropriate for me to be smiling with everyone else at the table. She said “because it had nothing to do with you.” Nice.

    No smiling aloud. I don’t smile much these days.

  8. Actively smiling at people seems so American. I’d rather smile naturally when I’m happy only and suffer the consequences.

  9. I dis this too in my twenties! Game changer. I trained every night and forced myself for years in social situations. Start with people you don’t know, grocery shopping, public transport… Now it’s become a reflex, I don’t even pay attention to it.

  10. I’ve trained myself to naturally smile when I’m unhappy, annoyed, and angry. Because it involves tensing your face muscles and when I’m feeling those thing I want to squeeze something. So it naturally let’s out some of the stress. And I makes people think I’m a really nice person because I’m smiling in unpleasant situations. When it fact I’m smiling because it’s keeping me from snapping.

  11. Dude, you’re not wrong.

    But the whole point of connecting with other people is not about ACTING.

    If you really want to get ahead with other people, you have to actually care about them. Smiling is not the source of connection, it’s a symptom. If you are truly talking and listening to other humans, your facial expressions are a secondary act.

    My whole job is based on making small, intimate connections with people I don’t know. I can only make it work when I actually follow through by asking questions and listening.

    I’m not saying that any of the points you are making are wrong- I’m only saying that smiling won’t work if you don’t have true concern behind it.

  12. Smiling is one of the biggest game changers in terms of confidence and being approachable. Even through it seems unnatural at first, just smile a lot and it will come naturally soon enough.
    Recently, I used to be quieter and did not talk as much, and I was regarded as unapproachable and weird. I also know some people who do not have any facial emotion at all and it looks very unnatural.

    If you want to start smiling more, practice in front of the mirror, starting without showing teeth and then moving on to showing teeth. Looking at myself in the mirror smiling has changed my opinion on my attractiveness significantly.

    If you start now and practice a few times before you go to sleep each night, it will become second nature within a month or two.

    Good luck!

  13. Yes it is and they say you should smile first thing when you wake up it the morning. It makes you feel better when emotionally to smile. Even when you don’t feel like it. I have resting B face and so men always thought I wasn’t nice.

    If they talk to me I just brighten up and all bubbly. I actually can’t take a picture not smiling. If I am not smiling in the image I look angry. If I smile I am more approachable. The stress and concentration I had to do all the time for work, made me not smile. But I noticed the other day since I started to just smile and practice soft smiling that when I walk around now I just smile and people are nice to me and friendlier to me. Guys feel better seeing me just smile at them. I am in a better mood too.

    I also took up listening to motivation video’s and it really help my mind set and how I view things now. I am a much better place in my life currently and just enjoying my life.

    So thank you for sharing.

    I can see the stiffness in your face from not smiling, I do believe I had that at times too when I first started smiling more. I always had people asking me to smile more anyways. I also started to just go places and do things….just to go places and experience something. All I ever did was work in my 20’s and barely getting by so in my 30’s I really tried to get out more these days.

    You keep on spreading that smile/joy. People are happier when they see someone smile too. It makes them want to smile back.

  14. Still can’t smile forcefully, but around friends or people I know, I will smile. In front of people I don’t, grin. Stress wise, no way to release my stress. Exercise doesn’t work or sex. I’d have a fun time in the military for a short time lmao

  15. I’m kinda vise versa, i do smile for everything and I can’t control it. But i think it’s pretty good

  16. Seriously, I thought this will be about malformed penis.

    Good advice though.

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