So there is this girl in my local gym that I find really attractive. After one month of passing by each other I mhstered up the courage to talk to her and tbh she seemed really nice and easygoing. We chatted for a bit as I was going to leave but kinda forgot to ask for her instgram/number (I know I screwed up). Days later we bumped into each other while I was doing my workout, she said hi and I said it back but nothing more. The thing is the next time we saw each other she basically just ghosted me and things felt awkward after that, at least for me.

I don’t wanna seem too pushy, although with the frequent eye contact even from the other side of the gym I’m not sure if I’m getting mixed signals as I really wanna ask her out, or if I’m just interpreting things in wrong way.

If anyone of you out there has went through something like this, how did you handle it ?
Should I just go ahead and approach her again ? Or do you think it is a sign of non-interest and I should just move on ?

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