He’s a great guy, he’s very honest and open about everything. and at the start of relationship i had trouble opening up to him, and one day i had one friend who treated me like a sister come at my house and i told him after he left. and explained everything who he was kindof things. He says that incident still bothers him and makes him feel insecure and like there’s no transparency between us. this was at the start of relationship and i am comfortable and very open about everything now.

And there was one instance when i misheard him on the phone. I only heard the part where he said he’s going to his cousins, so i said okay but he was also saying that he’ll come to see me after my class. i didn’t hear it so i went home. that made him upset for a week.

tl;dr i’m always upsetting my boyfriend by small mistakes, how do i fix it?

what do i do? i don’t know how to make him feel secure again.

  1. A) it’s funny how you say ‘always’ but you’ve gone on to describe two incidents in the span of a year.

    2) that first incident sounds so unbelievably petty and immature, I really can’t believe that he’s not gotten over it.

    D) the other thing is almost as ridiculous.

    And you know what the common denominator is in both these things? Your boyfriend (re)acting unreasonably. It’s not you, it’s him.

  2. Why wouldnt you tell this “friend” that treats you like a sister not to come in and just talk with him by the door? Imagine your bf doing this with a female “friend” you would be furious

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