i’m 19 recently started dating a guy. i am confident in my body and all except i have really bad sh scars on my thighs and im so scared to be fully undressed with him cause every time they’re seen by anyone it always leads to questions or people judge. we’ve only had sex once and i said i didn’t want any lights on and he was fine with that but i just feel bad and i want to be able to not worry about it but im just scared how he will take it cause its pretty bad. they’re healed and all that but its still bad. he’s very sweet but i cannot get myself to be open about it. my biggest fear is he will be freaked out or find it unattractive/a turn off.

sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this also this account is brand new yes, i didn’t want to ask on my main account.

  1. i was scared to be undressed around my boyfriend because of my scars on my thighs too, but overtime it happened and he’s never pointed them out or made any comments on it. it’s apart of your body and if the guy you’re seeing says or shows any negative signs after seeing them, trust me don’t waste your energy on him.

  2. I can’t talk for him but I can talk out of my opinion.
    I really (it’s a bit cringe) like scars and things like this cuz personally I like that, I know that after every scar, that a person has, its own story stands. I really find it interesting to sit down with my partner if he/she has scars and do smth that we in Germany call,,Sternchenmalen” ( in English stardrawing) it goes like u get an Marker and mark every scar on ur body and by that after every scar u tell why and get an kiss. I like it cuz my whole arms and thighs are full with rasor and 3 degree burn scars. As an whise guy once said just love ur body as it is ok? Don’t shame ore blame urself for smth other have too cuz as I said after every scar stands his own story. Just remember what I said when u look at u ok?

  3. If you are having sex with someone who is kind and a good person, he won’t care at all about your scars. If he does, he doesn’t deserve access to your body, anyway. ❤️

  4. I have some too on my thighs and my boyfriend has only ever been sweet about it. He doesn’t make me feel judged. I would warn him before he sees them/you show him and see how he reacts verbally before you let him *see*. It can be shocking for some people, some people have already seen it before and can handle it pretty well.

  5. For all the reasons guys have a bad reputation, he won’t notice scars until after. Then you can have a conversation or not. Good test if the guy is worthy of you.

  6. I was very nervous for anyone to see mine and worried about what they’d think about them before I ever got into a relationship, but when I met my boyfriend and before he’d ever seen them I’d told them I had scars covering my thigh from when I was in a dark place. He was very understanding about it and he’s never talked about them badly, or pointed them out in any type of bad way. He’s asked the occasional question about them, but nothing crazy. So although not all boyfriends/ partners will be the same as mine, a good partner will be just as respectful and supportive about it. I’d say maybe find a way to tell your boyfriend about them beforehand so it doesn’t come as a complete surprise, whether it be through text or in person. But whatever happens just know you are beautiful just how you are and the right person for you will accept every part of you and love you for it! 🙂

  7. i have scars im embrassed about i try to tell the person im with,and i tell them nobodies perfect,i dont care if someone has scars,its personality and connection,and after i start to lick her pussy it doesnt matter

  8. Me personally, absolutely not. dated a woman years ago who had been burnt badly on her arms from a fire. she was really self concise about it but it didnt worry me, she was so sexy and i really couldnt give a crap about it, Also dated a single mother who had stretch marks on belly and thighs that were quite noticeable she would not get naked with me till i explained that it was no issue and that i am still so very much attracted to her.

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