My friend (20F) texted me yesterday and invited me to her house. We made some plans, today I bought wine and asked her what time should I arrive. She responds with “actually not today sorry”.
Now, I wouldn’t get upset over it if it wasn’t like the 4th time in a row. Our communication has really deteriorated, sometimes she gets super moody and won’t answer why. I’ve also had this problem with other female friend in the past and we parted ways because of it. I don’t want to make the same mistake and keep someone like her around.

My question is, how do I cut her off in the least hurtful way possible? I don’t know whether she’s having problems or stuff, but she won’t tell me and accept help so ig that’s not my business, I don’t want to be treated like this again. How should I approach this?

tl;dr I want to end friendship in the most polite way possible, how do I do that

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