We met on a dating app and saw each other a few times throughtout December. He said that he was most likely going to leave the country in September and wanted something exclusive but temporary. I was torn because I really liked him but I didn’t want to have sex and get attached. I ended up giving him oral sex at some point (last time I saw him) and he knew that I was torn but said we can still see each other til I decide. After this, he became distant and mentioned that he wanted to take a step back due to being busy and everything ended amicably. I did see him, however, update his dating profile less than a week later.
We work in the same area so today I ran into him and we walked together (he was the one to initiate conversation and walk towards me) and had a brief and very platonic conversation. He mentioned that he wasn’t 100% sure that he’s leaving anymore and the rest of the conversation was very formal. In the end, I said it was nice seeing you and he just said “you too” and left very quickly. It’s not that I was looking for something like a hug or anything but it just made me feel awful as if he hated me. It also made me regret not making up my mind earlier and that maybe I should’ve dated him. All of this is making me want to text him but I won’t because I know nothing good will come out of it.

Any thoughts regarding his behaviour or whether I should reach out? Any support/advice will be appreciated:)

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