I’ve been seeing a guy in his 30s for over a year. He’s honestly so beautiful and charming and I’m crazy about him but he occasionally does things that set off red flags and make me feel wary.

He’s been asking to take pictures or videos during sex for a while now. Each time I said no. He kept asking, which bothered me, so I discussed it with him. I said plainly that I will never say yes and he needed to decide if he could deal with that or not. He said it was fine.

Today in bed he started asking for one again, I was saying no and I was faced away from him. I turned around and his phone was in his hand. Later I asked if he’d taken a picture- he admitted to it immediately, said it was a momentary lapse of judgment and he’d deleted it right after we were done sleeping together.

He’s been apologizing profusely but my trust is shattered and I don’t think I should move past it.

He thinks that the fact that he admitted to it immediately shows that he can still be trusted. I’m not so sure. I also don’t know what consequences I should set for violating my boundary other than ending the relationship.

Thoughts? Is he trustworthy because he admitted to it right away?

Tl;dr- my partner took a picture during sex after I clearly said that I’m not ok with it. He says he’s still trustworthy because he admitted to it immediately when I asked. Thoughts?

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