Recent examples:
Met a friend (potential romantic interest) on a hike who asked me to lunch after and suggested we hike in the future. Now they look at every single story I post but haven’t replied to my outreach.

A “friend” who kept reaching out to me to say we should do something but never followed through(so weird)- so I gave up. Looks at every single story I post every day.

A musician I recently took a meeting with who expressed the music was exactly what they were looking to work on. Then ghosted. Like, why waste my and your freaking time on a meeting?

This is my experience 99% of the time. This is not how I treat people. Why is the standard for human communication so low? I would be embarrassed to look at someone’s story if I hadn’t followed up. What do I care what you ate for lunch if I’m not involved in your life?? I get ghosting if you’re just not interested- but why continue to observe this person?

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