Recently, I (32/M) just moved in with my girlfriend (29/F). She has a guy friend she claims is gay, but he has a kid, and I always see his name pop up on her phone via Snapchat and Instagram notifications.

Before we got our own place, she asked if I would care if one of her friends moved in too just to make the rent cheaper and easier. It was said male friend. I said no and that I didn’t feel comfortable living with some random guy whom I’ve never met before, and that was the end of the convo.

Fast forward a couple of months, and I was at work all day, texting her as we normally do when I got the time, but she took a lot longer than she does in between replies (No biggie). On my way home, I sent her a text telling her I was around the corner and I noticed a car heading towards me coming from the direction of my street, and I noticed the number plate was his name and birth year.

I arrived home to find her, oddly enough, already out the front of the house. I greeted her, and we went inside and noticed her phone sitting on the kitchen counter (I didn’t pick it up or look at it, just proceeded to our room to change out of my work clothes).

Also, it is impossible for her to have seen my text telling her I was around the corner and for her to inform this guy (assuming it was him and he was there) to get in his car and leave as I could already see this car as I was sending the text. I jokingly asked if that car was her friend’s, and she started asking what I meant and seemed agitated. She was more tense than usual, which is very odd.

Am I just bugging, or is it justified that I have concerns? She claims she’d never cheat, as she knows what it feels like to be cheated on, but my previous ex before said the exact same thing and she still cheated on me.

Are my feelings justified? How do I bring this up with her?

**tl;dr** My gf is always receiving messages from one of her male friends, and I think I caught him driving away from my house one day after work.

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