Do you allow your pets to sleep on the bed and why/why not? Also curious what pets because maybe that matters.

  1. My cats sleep in the bed with me. I love having them in the bed with me. When I had a dog, he slept in the bed with me too. I have reptiles and they do not sleep in the bed.

  2. Where should they sleep if not with me ? That’s my thoughts on it and there’s no specific why to it, I just want them close to me no matter what type of pet it is (of course when I say « no matter what type […] » I only implied the type of pets I would myself adopt).

  3. I have always let my pets sleep in my bed. But, I currently have two dogs who were rescues and they were having behavioral issues so I broke down and bought a crate to try. They’ve only been sleeping in it about a month now and they are doing so much better. I think they like the enclosure and it makes them feel safe. They do sleep in my bed during the day and I do not crate at all throughout the day either. I also let them sleep in the bed until I’m ready to fall asleep myself.

    I’m not opposed to pets in the bed but I just think every pet is different just like us.

  4. Dogs, 100% no, never – but then I wouldn’t have a dog to begin with, so. Cats I still prefer not, because I like to feel my bedding is free of cat residue and they can disturb sleep.

  5. My cat lays on the bed but I’ll be honest I hate it because there’s always fur and litter on my covers which I find disgusting. He’s also thrown up hair balls on it as well.

  6. One of my cats is a little over a year old. He doesn’t sleep with me and my fiance yet because while he’s very sweet and snuggly, he’s also very playful and bitey. So he won’t be allowed in the bedroom at night until he mellows out some. At that point, I’m sure he’ll be a great cuddler. Our other cat simply isn’t interested in sleeping on the bed with us. She occupies it during the day, but goes her own way at night.

  7. My dog sleeps in bed with me every night. We always sleep back to back/butt to butt. It’s like he always has my back, and I sleep so much better with him.

  8. I’m fine with it. We have fully indoor cats, so there’s no concern with outside dirt, bugs, or contaminants. They have automatic litter boxes and are pretty fastidious about cleaning themselves, so their litter is as cleanish as litter goes and they don’t really track it around anywhere.

    The cats are welcome to sleep on the bed if they like. They live here, beds are for sleeping, and it doesn’t cause any of us any issues, so they get to sleep there if it makes them happy to do so. We just wash the bedding regularly to keep things clean and somewhat fur-free.

  9. I think it’s gross . Then I took in a homeless cat and the first night in, she jumped up on my bed and onto me and fell asleep on my belly. Years later she still spends every single night in my bed. So I guess I’m okay with being a little gross.

    It’s made me buy a handheld vacuum specifically to vacuum the entire bed daily, though, and I change sheets like every other day.

  10. I have slept with a cat in my bed for all of my 61 yrs. Why would I stop now? 

  11. I grew up with our family dogs and cats sleeping on our beds, I have no problems with it. My husband has a different opinion and therefore our dogs sleep in their own beds…when he’s home. He travels quite a bit with his work, so when the dogs see him carrying luggage out the door they immediately know that however long he’s gone they sleep with me, when he’s back they go to their beds.

  12. My old lady cat used to hate sleeping in my bed but ever since she has began cancer meds, she sleeps on my lap every night. I love it! Even if she wakes me up a couple times nightly.

  13. Our toy poodle sleeps right in between me and my husbands pillows and loves to spoon. It’s really adorable. I will say though, we get him groomed extremely regularly so he’s always very clean.

  14. My whippet sleeps on his bed all night then comes up when he wakes for a wee about 7am. I wouldn’t like him in our bed all night as I like to fuck lol

  15. My whippet sleeps in his bed all night then comes up when he wakes for a wee about 7am. I wouldn’t like him in our bed all night as I like to fuck lol

  16. It depends on the pet. If they’re up to date on dewormer I don’t see the harm. I’ve known too many people personally that have dealt with parasites with themselves and their pets. Most first world countries treat for parasites once a year. But, the US does not.

    Keep in mind that cats have a bacteria that is harmful to newborn babies. But, unless you’re a newborn baby I wouldn’t worry about it.

  17. My cats always slept in my bed. I had cats since I was a toddler and they used to sleep with me since I was a toddler. I just loved this.

    Later when older I had two dogs (not same time). They were officially not allowed in my bed as they were too big. One was a husky mix the other a Great Dane mix. They both snuggled up at times and I loved it. But I didn’t allow them in bed permanently but for reason of bed being too small.

  18. i have three shibas, my two older ones have been with me their entire lives and sometimes all we had was a bedroom to ourselves. it’s so nice spending time with them in bed and having a movie night or relaxing cuddle day.

  19. Our dogs have always slept with us unless they’ve decided to sleep with the kids. It’s funny though, my husband travels a lot, and the dog always sleeps downstairs with my daughter when he’s gone. But when he’s home, she sleeps upstairs with us.

  20. I’ve never had an issue with any of my indoor cats sleeping on the bed with me – even the ones with zero sense of personal space. They’re very clean creatures, their litter boxes are scooped daily, and I wash my bedding regularly. If I don’t shower right before bed, I’m probably dirtier than they are.

  21. I recognize that it’s not for everyone but my cats and dogs sleep on the bed with me. I can’t imagine otherwise.

  22. My partner is slightly allergic to our cats so we keep them out of the bedroom. When he goes away I like to have the cats sleep in the bed with me, even though they disturb my sleep

  23. I keep my door shut at night so I keep so the animals out, otherwise they won’t have food/water/litter box access.

  24. It’s gross to me. I need a fur and musty feet free area, and that is my bed.

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