So, you see the title. This person and I, I think, share common interests, so it would be nice to have someone to talk about my interests with. I’m not a very social person, so I don’t know if just going up to them is the right thing to do. But tomorrow I may have an opportunity to talk to them, and I don’t wanna sound weird and shy and unfunny. I also don’t want to stay in my “shell” because then it’s awkward. Just wanna be able to talk about what I like in a way that is… prompting a conversation, I guess. Video games and music is the interests I think we share. Any advice on conversing about those, and starting conversations about what they like?

  1. I usually just say “hey wanna be friends?” And 10/10 times it goes well

  2. Not sure how old you guys are but “wanna be friends” would not quite make it for me. Sounds like I’m back in school.
    I would just go over to that person and start a convo about the interests you have in common. Casual, chill and honest. You’ll see if the other person is receptive or not.

    One important advice: be yourself, don’t pretend or fake anything. If you’re unfunny, be unfunny that’s alright! If you’re a bit awkward in social situations, be awkward. Authenticity is always the best and set’s the foundation for all great friendships.

  3. A big key to conversation isn’t actually what you say yourself, it’s how interested you are in the other person and how good you are at asking questions and then genuinely listening to the answer. During that, offer up snippets of info about yourself to give the other person a hook to find out more about you too if they want to (which if they like you too they will) . So for example, finding out about their gaming interests and then dropping in some of your own so their can lead to some natural back and forth and it’s not too personal or over familiar. I would avoid the wanna be friends thing unless you already have a positive basis for suggesting that – how do they know if they haven’t even spoken to you? But suggesting a hangout based on a shared interest is less intense!

  4. Not a gamer but would asking for their gamer handle to play online be something you can do? Find a game you you might both like?

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