I’m 23(F) – never been in a serious relationship, or really anything beyond a crush/flirtation. I guess I just never really branched out or felt comfortable enough with myself to bring someone else into my life.

Now that I’m older and feeling more confident and happy within myself, I am open to pursuing a relationship, but I feel like I’m so far behind/out of touch? How did you get past that feeling and put yourself out there?

  1. I was 25 when I had my first serious relationship.

    I rely on online dating a lot because of social anxiety. I have no problem talking with people, I just can’t read signals well or know if someone is flirting. I find OLD more manageable and easier to put myself out there and meet people, in comfort. Was definitely scary, but things got easier as I met more people, dated more, and had more relationships. Each new potential relationship will come with some anxiety, stress, fear, etc but I’m used to it and those feelings pass quickly.

  2. I was 20 when I had my first serious relationship and ended up staying with him for 10 years. I would not recommend that. Better to date casually a lot, see what is out there , casual sex is fine too. If you plan of settling down by 30, you don’t want to look back and regret not enjoying your 20s. Just put yourself out there, embrace the adventure.

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