I (F29) have been with my bf (M28) for a little over a year now. When we first got together things weren’t great he was cheating on me and messaging a lot of women. We moved 3.5 hours away from home together and I found out the same day we signed our lease. I decided to try and move past it since we were stuck there together anyways. Everything seemed to get better he wasn’t talking to anyone anymore and we (or Ig just me) fell in love more each day. It’s been 8 months since then and last night I found he signed up for a dating website 5 days ago. I woke him up and he told me he made it and instantly regretted it and never used it which I saw there were no messages or matches on it but then he told me a couple months ago he unblocked his ex while I was at work and they talked and exchanged photos and videos. I don’t know what to do I love him and we discussed marriage and maybe a baby some day but now I can’t look at him but I love him with everything I have. We still have some months on our lease and I can’t afford the rent alone. I need to know how to end it with someone when it’s gonna hurt me more than him. He said he loves me and doesn’t wanna break up but it’s clear he doesn’t care about me or my feelings.

TLDR; I need to leave someone I love and I don’t know how

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