How often do you think about your first love who was a wonderful person?

  1. Almost never. It was a long time ago and I’m married now.
    Occasionally I’ll wonder if he’s doing well in life. But I wouldn’t reach out at this point.

  2. He WAS a wonderful person! We were both 8 years old and he stepped on a snail in the playground by accident. He started to silently cry while he caressed the crushed snail with one finger, all the sorrow and guilt of the world in his eyes. And of course, I immediatly fell in love with him.

    That was two decades ago, but I still think about him every time I see a snail and I am careful not to step on it.

  3. My first love died last year. I didn’t think of him much until then but I’ve been feeling a very real grief ever stubbs since he passed.

  4. My first love was not a wonderful person. Well, he was until he wasn’t.

    I think about him a lot because he really changed the course of my life. I struggle a lot with my self worth and self esteem after being with him.

  5. He WAS a wonderful person, but we both changed. I think about him often, as my husband and I are a really bad match. I don’t think “I wish I were still with him” but more of a wistful feeling for the companionship. My ex and I had 7 really good years together, it’s hard not to compare such a younger, crappier relationship.

    My ex is not the same person and I know that love changes and fades, so it’s just more of a remembrance of what being in love was like! I don’t believe my husband has ever had a good relationship, and he seems to be the reason.

    All it really does is help me realize how bad my current relationship and marriage is.

  6. Every day. I miss her dearly. She meant everything to me and don’t think I’ll ever find someone that made me feel the way she did ever again.

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