1.) People will look a little worse than their worse posted pictures (pZenija)

2.) Anyone who is too excited to meet too soon (right off the bat) may be catfishing (or emotionally unstable)!

3.) Don’t expect that at any moment because a first date is going well, that it will continue to.

4.) Men should offer to pay, but women can offer too, and this is now a case by case thing.

5.) Once you get past 4-5 dates most women and some men are wondering when a long term commitment will ensue.

6.) Don’t ever try to impress your date past simply being the best version of your genuine self (this took me a long time to learn so: you’re welcome).

7.) You will fail much more than you will suceed, (there are exceptions offcourse-sometimes you will have chemistry on the first date with your first match). Realistically though, it will take many before you meet a good match.

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