Lost here. Mid 40s. My boyfriend of 4 years told me recently he often gets a cut on penis after sex. He told me last time 3 weeks ,soon as we start sex he lost power. He got a cut and felt unwell the next morning. Unwell lasted 3 weeks.

Also revealed he’d gone and slept with ex wife to “test” and her sex was fine..with me he lost power ,pain and now this sore had lasted 3 weeks. He made me get tested and left me for her that same day. He met me in a week.

I showed him my results are CLEAN.
He just got more mad.
Blamed me of calling him a liar then. I trier to explain of blood, swabs, urine.id had to take photos of evidence inside hospital.
He got more mad.
He said i was obviously calling him a liar then. And that i was saying it was a ghost come do this.
He gas lighted turned it round . Before he left he demanded my work rota and like an idiot I sent it then he left with a shitty “I’ll be in touch don’t call me.”

What he knows will break me and it did.

I’m considering going to a different clinic than my city.

What would you do?

I’m 40 and left in absolute pieces at this age.

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