I met this woman, and we really hit it off. We both like each other a lot. However, I recently discovered that she’s been in contact with her ex-fiancé. He asked to meet up with her, but she replied saying she’s busy and unsure of when she can meet. This bothered me, so I asked her about it. She explained that she just wanted to get her belongings back from him.

Despite her explanation, I felt uncomfortable with the situation. I told her I didn’t want to be involved in any drama related to her past relationship. She then told me she’s been through abuse and is being cautious in how she retrieves her things. She agreed to have her ex drop off her belongings through a family friend.

As our relationship continued, I found out she’s been in contact with people she met through dating apps while we’ve been together, even though we’ve only been dating for a short time.

I’ve decided to report her situation as a vulnerable adult due to the abuse she disclosed to me. I also suggested she contact her social worker about moving into assisted living, but she doesn’t want to and intends to stay where she is.

I’m conflicted because I really care about her, but things started off rocky, and I have a tendency to end relationships over minor issues. Am I overreacting? Why is love so complicated? I’m feeling frustrated and upset about everything.

Tl;dr girl talking to ex’s, says that she’s been abused and wants her stuff. Messages say otherwise.

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