I’ve been casually seeing someone for about a month now. Last night she told me she loves me. I told her I didn’t love her back and had no intentions on developing the relationship beyond hanging out and having sex. I’ll be moving in a couple months so it doesn’t make sense for me to get involved with someone seriously. She understood and said she didn’t expect it to develop into anything. I asked her if we needed to stop seeing each other and she said it was okay, she just wants to have fun over the summer. Yet she seems uncomfortable to me and I want to be sensitive to her feelings. I worry I’m taking advantage of her feelings if we continue seeing each other, though I think it’d be rude to assume she’s not really okay with it if she’s telling me it’s fine. At the same time, I’m not sure how I feel about seeing someone I don’t reciprocate feelings for. This is a new situation for me. I do really like her, if I wasn’t moving I’d be considering dating her. I would like to just have fun over the summer as well, we do have a strong connection. Should I cut it off? Do we just need to spend less time together/clearer boundaries? Am I being an asshole if I continue to see her knowing she loves me?

  1. You made it clear what your intentions are so you can keep doing your thing.

  2. I feel like she kind of knew what she was getting into, so you didn’t lead her on or anything. If you don’t have feelings, though, then I’d just stick to being friends.

  3. You’ve been clear about your intentions and she says she can handle it so I’d continue on.

    Key questions: (1) Are you exclusive and would you consider that until you move? (2) If she’d consider moving too, would you be open to exploring more?

    I had a 4.5yr relationship that began with a lady about to move far, far away. 😉

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