What are the most popular slangs in your country, and what is their meaning?

  1. Not here to fuck spiders = let’s get on with the task at hand (usually drinking)

    Your shout = your turn to buy a round of drinks

    Flat out like a lizard drinking = very busy

  2. Out for rip = just out driving around and having fun

    Dart = a cigarette

    A two four = case of 24 beers

    Clicks = kilometers ( e.g. Ron lives 10 Clicks away)

    The Peg = Winnipeg

    Double double = coffee with two cream and two sugar

    Giver = give it all you’ve got

  3. struth or bloody oath = thats true!

    arvo = afternoon

    barbie = bbq

    bail = cancel plans

    choc a block = full

    brekky = breakfast

    bloody = very

    fair dinkum or true blue = thats the truth/honestly?

    durry = cigarette

    dunny = toilet

    stoked = happy

    relos = relatives

  4. Bloke= man

    Arvo= afternoon, or in high school, after school detention

    Deso= designated driver

    Maccas= McDonalds

    Ambos= paramedics/ambulance officers

    Sparkie= electrician

    Chippy= carpenter

    Root/rooting= sex/screwing

    Taking the piss= making fun of

    Compo= compensation

    Chuck a uey= do a U-turn

    Sheila= lady/woman

  5. Sour bake: A grumpy person

    A face on him/her like a smacked arse: A grumpy person

    Culchie: A person living in a rural area who has a lack of manners

    Spide: Usually an adult male who dresses in sports gear. A lower class background. A lack of manners also.

    Millie: A female version of the above

    Pan: Head

    Hoor: A promiscuous person but usually just aimed at a person who you’re joking with.

    Thon: That person or thing

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