I’ve met a girl last week on a roadtrip via mutual friend, and we took off great from the start. We hooked up one night and talked the whole night. We both said that we would like to continue this.

The next day, we traveled back home. I’ve texted her immediately when I arrived (we aren’t from the same city, we stopped at hers first and I had another 2 hour drive).

The next two days we’re great, we were in touch the whole day and she was very interested and open about it, to which I returned the same. I’ve asked her out this Saturday and she gladly accepted it and seemed happy about it.

That was on Monday night. Basically, from then on, she went colder each day. Shorter texts, less information, not answering for a few hours, not texting first. I’ve tried to initiate contact every day hoping it will change, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. The date is on Saturday, and I’m not sure anymore if we should even go, as I feel it’s forced, but I’m not sure how to approach this situation.

Should I confront her about it, should I just tell her I’m not feeling the interest from her and cancel it? And if so, how do I say that without sounding harsh? She is cold but not rude, so I wouldn’t want to be rude also. I’m traveling to her city, so it’s not like it’s just a few hours that don’t make a difference. I will devote the whole day to her and I just feel I would be too naive if I do that and ignore everything before it.

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