I’m a 24M with a bachelor’s degree and recently laid off from my job. At my job, I had wonderful coworkers that I’d consider my friends at this point since we keep in touch and hang out from time to time. However, ever since I graduated back in 2022, my life has been extremely mundane. I’ve tried pursuing hobbies such as golf and bouldering, which have been great, but golf is kind of an individual sport that you play by yourself or with a couple other people and it’s not necessarily easy to meet people while in the sport. Bouldering, on the other hand, I feel like is a decent place to meet people, I just don’t have the funds to go consistently at the moment.

I’m doing a complete 180 in my career, pursuing flight training to become an airline pilot, but the training is all 1 on 1, so I rarely get to meet anybody besides other instructors.

I’m definitely not one who likes to party or go to bars, clubs, or anything of the like. I’m more of someone who likes to go out to new restaurants or cafes when time permits with friends, or I like to chill inside with a friend or two playing games. I’m also not great with cold approaching people in public, because I feel like I’m bothering them/I just don’t know what to say if I were to.

So then comes the question, how on Earth do I meet people at this stage of my life? I’m honestly just trying to meet people with similar interests and hoping they’ll lead me in the direction of finding a love interest, which is a conversation for another day.

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