What are the “musts” of sex for you?

  1. * We must be comfortable enough with each other to talk about it beforehand.

    * We must be somewhere private.

    * We must use protection.

    * I must get off at least once.

  2. I really enjoyed when my ex used to tell me he loved me during it 🙁 he was The only guy to ever do that

  3. Consent, comfort, respect, and mutually putting effort into each other’s pleasure.

    If you’re talking about actual sex acts, oral sex (giving and/or receiving) and some kind of D/s are high on my list of priorities.

  4. Cuddling/talking/laughing afterwards. I was with someone for years who just got dressed and went about their day once it was done. I hated it.

  5. The feeling that it would stop the second I said so. It cannot happen if I don’t feel like I could walk away without issue.

  6. Must be able to discuss needs and expectations.

    Must be able to accept that no means no.

    Must be happy to go down on me.

    Mustn’t be selfish.

  7. Good hygiene and chemistry, and if its happening twice, good size tbh. I have enough experience now to know it absolutely matters, and makes a huge difference for my pleasure. 

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