I’ve (28F) posted about this in parts before but now this is how the story ends and I’m shattered I haven’t been treated this cruel in a long while.

Chatted to a guy (29M) for 2 weeks, initially chat was really good lots of long late night messages back and forth (I know I know mistake number 1 but I’m currently recovering from surgery have nothing to do), he was cute, we had things in common, seemed like a good communicator he would reassure me when going to gym etc and would text back later. Lots of back and forth, I was catching feels over this guy I hadn’t met yet.

Then he gets the flu, and communication slowed and stopped for a few days, but it picked up again though not to original levels. I suggested we call and so we did for an hour & set up a date. I’m excited. He agrees to the plans, made it seem like he was coming. That was Tuesday.

Thursday I sent a text saying I’m excited for the date, see you then. No reply, but he watches my IG stories real quick.

Friday rolls around and complete silence though he still watches my stories. Not even a cancellation text. I can’t believe I wasn’t even deserving of a cancellation text. And no I didn’t show up at the meeting place of course.

I’m devastated and so hurt. I usually am confident and I don’t care this much but the surgery took a lot out of me and I had to stay in for a long time and don’t have my usual coping mechanisms. I feel like a fool believing his sweet talk and for being so invested. How shit of a person can you be to not even cancel???

I just need some lifting up. I know I’ll be over this soon, but it stings hard.

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