I f(28) have been talking to someone for around 2 months. (As an fyi I do not have a lot of dating experience at all. Went out with one or two people years ago that did not really pass the first date). Within that time we met up twice. The first time I was really nervous but the date was nice as it was lunch and then we walked around the bookstore as we both have interests in reading. He is very sweet and respectful. Physically I think he is really cute and I like the conversations we have. The second time we met felt a little more comfortable as I was not as nervous and it is definitely different from past experiences even though I do not have much experience. We had dinner and went to an arcade. It was fun and he is the first person I feel comfortable around compared to I guess the past people I’ve met. I just do not know how to discern it from liking him romantically or just as a friend. I know sometimes I get like a certain flippity feeling inside if I see someone and am attracted to them but I do not know if I have that with him yet. I do not know if that means I do not see him in that way but I do like talking to him and hanging out with him and we have a lot of similar interests. Now that I’ve think about it I’m not sure if I’ve ever had that tingly feeling with the few I’ve dated in years back. Could it be me that’s the issue? Or that I just do not have a lot of experience? I do t want to hurt him and I really want this to the work as ideally he really seems sweet and checks everything I am looking for in someone, and him not being shallow is a big plus. Any insight will help greatly

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