I’m a 35M, traveling with my 34F partner. We have been dating for about 6 months now. I had some doubts about a few things that could become problematic, namely she is very insecure and every little thing I say, she over analyzes and thinks of the worst possible meaning of it.

We had a few chats about it and she promised to be more transparent about her thought process. So I’ve decided to give it more time. She is an incredibly thoughtful and kind person and I’ve considered myself very lucky to be with her.

We are now on vacation in Europe for the past week and i’m seeing her family for the first time in a few days.

During this week, my worst fears about her insecurity and overthinking came to realization. Every little comment I made about the vacation, she interpreted it as I not wanting to spend more time with her and her family, even though it was my idea to visit her family. We’ve been staying with friends so we really haven’t had a chance to properly talk about these things.

What I do know is that I cannot deal with this type of person in my life. I cannot comfortably talk in front of, even commenting on the news, without offending her in someway.

TL;DR asking for advice on when the right time is to breakup. I’m about to leave my friend’s house and travel to her country to see her family. Should I breakup with her now or wait until we go back home so we can have a more proper conversation?

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