I’ve been engaged to my fiancé, Matt for 6 months now. I’m also 7 months pregnant and have a 4 year old child from a previous marriage. We had plans to marry 5 months ago but his grandpa passed away and in order to observe to mourning period, we postponed our wedding.

Now, I am making this post precisely because I read another story here about how a husband tried to financially screw his wife over by getting his dad’s name on property and then transferring it to him, so that the property isn’t connected at all to the marriage and by extension the wife.

I’m also a stay at home parent to my 4 year old and been nesting for our baby on the way. My fiancé has been in the family business with his dad for many years now and we rent right now. I already knew of my fiancé’s plans for our first home together, which is currently in the process. He has put down deposits for our home in his dad’s name which will be transferred to him shortly. He said that this was for tax purposes and I never bothered doing any research on this but now I can see this is to ensure that he doesn’t lose the house in case we separate.

We have a prenup and I talked to him about this, and I agree that this is his asset from money saved over the years and now I can’t help but wonder if I should’ve known better. I don’t have a good feeling about this, especially since we have been having talks about reviewing our prenup. He says he is doing this to ensure the prenup doesn’t get overturned and that he needs this to feel secure in our relationship.

Before meeting him, I was living by child support (still am) and private tutoring kids but after getting pregnant, I wanted to focus on family and stopped working. I mean I can pick up tutoring any time (I am licensed) but the fact that I cannot have any claim on our marital home seems wrong.

How should I proceed?

I’m engaged to Matt, pregnant, and have a 4-year-old from a previous marriage. We delayed our wedding due to his grandpa’s passing. Recently, I read about a husband financially protecting himself by transferring property to his dad, similar to what Matt is doing with our home. He claims it’s for tax reasons and security. We have a prenup, but I’m uneasy about not having a claim on our home. I quit work to focus on family. Unsure how to move forward.

EDIT: He is majorly financing the house through his savings + sale of 1% shares. It also includes some of my own savings accumulated over the years ~ 10% of the whole initial deposit value


I know my contribution is small, but I still came forward and offered to finance some part of our new home. And he took it and now I feel foolish.

I don’t know I just feel upset that my fiancé knew this will screw me over. His lawyer probably told him to do that without consulting me so that I don’t stop him and now it’s too late.

Plus, I as a homemaker I do most of the housework and in the event we separate I’d like to be compensated for that

I just can’t believe he did that. I’m floored right now.

I just feel like I knew just enough, so that I don’t accuse him of non-disclosure and he can openly claim that I didn’t do my research with my own lawyer. I’ve been extremely busy with pregnancy and managing my 4 year old’s ADHD so he knew I wouldn’t have time to do my due diligence. I trusted him to keep me safe. I feel like he took advantage of how bad it’s been for me.

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