I’ve been texting this guy for a couple of months now and he’s always quick to compliment me on any story I post as well as using the ‘🤣’ emoji to reply to texts that aren’t even that funny. I do not understand if that’s just his personality or if he is flirting with me. Part of my confusion stems from the fact that he confided in me that he still has commitment issues from a previous relationship that soured from moving too quickly. Based on my observations, I also do not seem to be his type, appearance wise. So, I do not know what to make of the situation and would really appreciate some advice.

1 comment
  1. Not enough information.


    Emojis are common enough that he could be being friendly. Or he could be trying to flatter your sense of humor.

    His relating details of a previous relationship could be sharing with a friend. Or he could be hinting to you that he’s open to a casual relationship.

    You’re his “type”, almost certainly. That’s the only thing I can say with any measure of confidence.


    As for advice: I advise you to figure out whether or not **YOU** are interested in him, and if so, to ask him out.

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