I just need to vent and get this off my chest. I live in an apartment complex with thin walls of course. My neighbor frequently has loud sex multiple times a week, enough that I’ve had to buy earplugs to sleep since she is so loud.

I’m just bothered that since I’ve had to listen to her have sex so often and I haven’t had sex myself in months I’ve started to feel jealous and resentful.

I know she’s not in the wrong but I just can’t help but wish I was confident enough or attractive enough to go out and meet someone to fulfill these desires I have. My relationship with sex is complicated because I’m human and I have needs but I have a hard time expressing that at a bar or a club.

I hate to say I just need to get laid but this is so frustrating and I don’t know where to begin. I feel like if I can break this dry spell I won’t be as bothered?

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