So right now, I am currently in my final semester at university. We only have anothere month and a bit left, and I finally started to feel like I was fitting in with my new group of friends. it’s not that they were mean to me or anything like that earlier, it’s just that I always felt like I was the odd one out for the longest time. However, within the last 2 weeks or so, it really felt like that was changing. They started inviting me out more and I felt like I could talk to them better without always watching what I say and sort of letting loose and it started to feel like less of a challenge fitting in with them.

However, over this past weekend (specifically yesterday), they said they were at this one bar, so I went. Once I got there they said that they were going to go to a different one, so they told me I should go back, charge my phone, and uber over there. I don’t know why they didn’t just say I could uber with them or anything, but I didn’t really think much of it at the time. Once I got back, my roommate said that the bar I just got back from was where they were spending the rest of the night, and that they were just messing with me.

That just really hurt because I can’t think of any other reason why they would do that other than to get rid of me. I just feel like once things started to feel easier and I started to be less anxious around them all, it all just went down the drain.

Do you have any advice on what I should do, do differently, or really any take on this situation is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  1. People like that aren’t your friends, and likely will lose you and not stay in touch. Either confront being disrespected, or, be nonchalant, don’t take up any more offers, and keep you and your stuff safe while you still have to live with them. Don’t act scared or hard-done by.

  2. It’s not your job to fit in. It’s your job to be and kearn more about yourself. It’s tough but you will find your people.

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