My (f28) bf (m29) and I are on vacation. After we got back to the hotel he told me “okay go to sleep now.” In a ‘joking’ way. I asked him if he wanted to have sex and he said nothing. I then took a shower and asked him again if he wanted to have sex. Nothing. I went to brush my teeth and when I came back to bed he was sleeping under the covers. I heard his loud breathing so I assumed he was asleep. I fell asleep shortly after. I woke up around 40 mins later to him jacking off next to me under the covers in bed. I could clearly hear the lube and feel the bed shaking. I feel insulted. I am very upset and hurt that I asked him for sex before bed only to not get an answer and wake up to him jacking off. It makes me question if he even fell asleep that quickly or if he was just trying to dodge having sex with me. I’ve never had this happen to me with previous partners, they have never turned down the opportunity to have sex let alone turn it down and then jack off. Should I say something? I’m writing this post as he lays next to me, I’m sure he notices I’m awake and he stopped jacking off for now. Is this normal, how should I proceed?

Tl;dr I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to have sex before bed to which he didn’t respond and pretended to fall asleep. I then fell asleep and woke up 30 mins later to him jacking off next to me. I feel disrespected and don’t know how I should proceed.

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