I (19F) have been going out with this guy (20M) for about two months. We met at a party and then started texting each other a lot, then going out on the weekends. We never made it an official thing but we kind of stopped seeing other people after a while.

Here’s the thing: I like his company, we have nice conversations, we have this ~sexual chemistry~ that I never really had with anyone else, I find him really attractive and interesting. In addition, he really likes me. He is in love with me and told me he would be up to make things more serious and have an actual relationship. However, for some reason that I cannot understand, I do not feel like I am in love with him.

I don’t exactly know how to explain it: he simply does not give me “butterflies”, I do not feel that intense, pleasant feeling of excitement that is characteristic of love when I am around him. I don’t feel like something is missing in him, on the contrary, it feels like something is wrong with _me_, in a way. I have fallen in love before and I know what that subtle rush of excitement feels like: it is simply not here.

However, I do have certain feelings for him. Like I said, I enjoy being with him and I feel like we could work together. It’s just that it is a calm feeling, it’s _slower_, in a way.

Today, we talked and I told him all of this. He was not mad, in fact he expected me to say this at some point, I have always been honest with him on this topic. But now, neither of us know what to do. I miss that excitement, in a way, and I really wish I could feel that toward him!… but I also do like being with him. I don’t know if it’s fair to him, being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love him with the same intensity. And I don’t know if it’s fair to me, if I am fooling myself by believing this could work. Is that rush _mandatory_ for a relationship to work? Should you only get into a relationship if you are sure it will last? What should I do? Is it better to “stop this before it’s too late” or to stop worrying and make it work?

TL;DR I have been going out with this guy whose company I really enjoy and who I get along really well with, but I do not feel that I am in love with him. Should I risk getting into a relationship with him?

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