i am 20 years old and leaving for college soon. I am very stressed out and working at a warehouse for some extra cash. I met a boy at my work and he’s honestly so sweet. We’ve been talking for about 2 months. Personality wise he’s everything i’ve ever wanted. He tried kissing me but i rejected him for a couple of reasons.
1. he’s not that attractive ( WHICH I DONT MIND! but i am definitely aware about it) . I’m not godly looking either but i have always been told i am a very pretty girl. My parents are the biggest concern because they wouldnt want to me to be with someone less attractive than me.I feel bad and think he should be with someone who isn’t worried about his looks.

2. again i am leaving, i will be studying at a whole different country and don’t see a reason to start something
3. My parents have raised me to be a sprinkle sprinkle girl. I want my significant other to be financially stable. it’s not really his fault he’s not financially stable, hes helping support his parents because they are immigrants. I feel bad because he already talks to me about how much he hates money and how it’s a constant struggle for him but i just can’t get over the facts that i am a bit higher that him in social class and it would also be hard for my parents to accept

I really do like him. I enjoy spending time together and he’s the first person who actually cares about my interest but i hate to say we don’t live a a fairy tale and i can’t just hope everything works out. WHAT SHOULD I DO?? do i risk it simply because i like him or do i look for something more stable?

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