What should be the response if another man calls you a bitch?

  1. You can call him a bitch right back but what does that do? Nothing at all except escalate the situation. Save your energy for a fight that actually matters.

  2. It’s such a comical, stereotypical American insult that my only reaction would be uproarious laughter. It has no bite. Laugh at them and walk away.

    If someone wants to swing for me, then take your shot and see what happens. Until then, words are just a poor attempt to fluster me without the action to back it up.

  3. “Sorry your mom must be rubbing off on me. You know I see her every other night.”

  4. Without context? Shrug and walk away. I don’t know this person, I don’t care about their opinion, and I don’t want to be the subject of their attempt at peacocking.

  5. I’d correct him by letting him know I prefer to be called a “Sweet Bitch”.

    Words don’t bother me.

  6. Nothing. Getting punched hurts alot more than being called a bitch. Nothing good comes out of it just walk away.

  7. Sounds like someone wants to throwdown. I know a nice field we can become good friends😁

  8. Good one! 👍 anyone that is verbally assaulting you is a child no matter the age. Be an adult, hold yourself like an adult and respond as an adult and they will immediately understand they are acting childish. No matter what you do don’t engage physically. It’s a different era. My pops would have smacked someone around for a minute or two before returning to his work but there are so many more legal implications these days. Go about your day.

  9. You fight. A little shared testosterone will do you some good, even if you get your ass kicked.

  10. Last time it happened, I just looked at him like he was stupid, then walked away.

  11. Laugh it off, but punk him next time you’re in a group. Like trip him up or knock his water bottle on the ground. But doing it in a joking way so if he reacts he’s the one escalating.

    If he wants to call people a bitch show him how much of a bitch he is.

  12. Lick my lips while maintaining direct eye contact and then raise one eyebrow and moan

  13. “Well, that’s just like, your opinion man” and then laugh

  14. At this point I’m assuming it happened and you froze? If so the power dynamic is off even know “bitch” has no weight unless you guys are like 10. So here are three responses if that’s the case.

    Passive aggressive: always call him by a deferent wrong name sometimes wildly deferent sometimes close. Especially after he has corrected you.

    Aggressive: next time your in a big group give him a dollar without saying anything. When he asks what it’s for tell him it was an IOU to his mom from last night.

    Newtons 3rd law: call him a bitch it’s simple and straight to the point.

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