Do you prefer working with mostly men or mostly women or somewhere in between and why?

  1. I prefer mostly women. In my experience, my coworkers who are women are generally easier to deal with for me than my coworkers who are men, and even when I have conflicts with women, they’re so much better than conflicts with men. On the rare occasion that I’m butting heads with a lady coworker, I don’t catch myself wondering if she’s going to hit me or say that I’m just arguing because I’m on my period or something.

  2. Definitely somewhere in between. I have always gotten along well working with both genders.

    I do not work has hard or accomplish as much when I am exclusively surrounded by women. I do not enjoy my time at work as much or have quite as much fun when I am exclusively surrounded by men.

  3. I mean probably mostly women? But my best coworker ever was a guy, he’s lovely and we still hang out. Mostly I like to work with nice people who will talk about video games with me lol

  4. I have always been in very male dominated work spaces. I really don’t have a lot of experiences with female dominated environments outside of going to an all women’s college.

    I’d say after all of this that the key is to have professionals, male or female around you. You don’t want your boss looking at you but you also don’t want them intimidated by you. (both of these for male or female bosses).

    Now I do 90% of my work remotely but I have to travel to a lot of male dominated work places internationally and that is just another level of just knowing that you are great at your job. When you go to the middle east and men won’t talk to you or go to France and the CEO of the company you are talking to follows you every time you walk through his office spaces. It is weird but cultural. And at the end of the day they are paying my salary.

    I have NEVER been to an international office with another woman in a leadership position.

  5. It doesn’t matter. I’ve worked with fantastic and shitty people of both genders. I’ve worked with very few NBs, though. *sad face*

  6. Answering from culinary… I’ve always had a mix of men & women in the kitchen. It’s never been an issue. All my kitchens have been totally respectful.

    Previous career in dentistry, male & female bosses… Ive never worked in any kind of gender hierarchy.

    Maybe I don’t have a horse in this race, but considering that I have worked in two different jobs that *could* lend themselves to a hierarchy… it’s never been my experience.

    I just like to work with good colleagues.

  7. Somewhere in between. Though, working with mostly women, it had been more difficult due to the natural inclination to compete and/or gossip. 

    Right now, I’m the only other woman with four men. It’s like working with older brothers and I appreciate their masculine energy. The other woman is older and is like having a mom. When there’s a problem, we focus on resolving the issue and limit drama to a realistic minimum. As a result, we’re more productive and take care of business efficiently. I love it!!

  8. Mostly men. My personal experience with the workplaces I’ve personally been at is that the male dominated work places had less gossip, fewer conflicts and fever leadership issues. Also mostly felt that the atmosphere was much more relaxed and that you could talk and joke more freely.

    Not saying I’ve never had great female colleagues, because I’ve had. But they/we were still in male dominated spaces.

  9. I was in the Army for 8 years and got by fairly well. It’s the ONLY job I’ve had as for the past 2.5 years I’ve just been living off VA disability payments.

    I wish I could work in a mostly woman dominated field just to see what it’s like. Being surrounded by grown ass men I needed to babysit got grating after a while.

  10. Men. Mostly because we always have similar interests. Video games, movies, tv shows, and books. Surprisingly none of the women I’ve had as coworkers, they dont have the same interests whatsoever. They have kids or like to go out and have a good time with friends, spend time with their boyfriends. Very extroverted. We still chat and get along and we’re friendly but havent been able to connect with them on a nerd level😗

  11. I like a mix of both, but prefer working with men more. In my experience, I’ve had an easier time with male leads/coworkers since they’ve been more relaxed and less inclined to micromanage/gossip.

  12. For most of my career I would have said mostly men bc I am in such a male dominated industry. However, I spent 3 years on a team with 2 other women and a male boss that was the dream team. We divided our work up so easily, covered for each other when life needed us outside work. Our boss was super compassionate and always cared about the person before the work. He was rare in our company so he really helped advocate for us.

  13. I love and hate both male and female coworkers. But my FAVORITE co-workers have all been male. I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy. I thrive when I’m one of the guys.

  14. Depends on the people themselves. Id say I prefer to work with mostly women because I just naturally gravitate towards working with other women.

    but some types of women are less tolerable of women who dont conform to their exact mode of socializing or interests. Idk like ‘tiktok’ style women, idk what else to call them, I cant stand working with those cliques of women. The types who make you feel like youre doing something wrong by not acting exactly the same way they are

  15. I prefer working with mostly women. I’ve found a lot more camaraderie with women in the workplace. In ones I’ve experienced with more men or closer to equal, there’s been quite a bit of misogyny, selfish men, lack of diversity and power imbalances.

  16. A mix, but in my experience the group dynamic is more open and welcoming when there’s a few more women there. I don’t relate to any of the comments mentioning gossiping and mean-girl-behaviour in teams with a majority of women at all. It sounds very high school and misogynistic to me, but we all have different experiences.

    All in all, I’d prefer a diverse group of engaged and kind people to work with. Only having people of one gender/ethnicity/nationality/sexuality/etc. in a group is very rarely a good thing.

  17. I like a mix of people who are good at their jobs, but if I had to pick one gender it would be women. There’s much less bullshit, weird competitiveness and time wasted one upping each other in a group of women.

  18. I don’t care about the sex or gender of the people I work with. I just want them to be people who actually do their jobs.

  19. Definitely somewhere in between. I’ve worked on farms and now in an office job, and in my experience you need a mix of different working mentalities. Most of the men I’ve worked with have been big picture – they know the job to do, they do the job, job done, drop everything and go to the next job. The women tend to be more detail-oriented – we set the job up, make sure we have the supplies and paperwork and whatnot we need, execute the job, then tidy up afterwards and return everything to where it needs to go.

    I find a mix of both works best, especially because most of the men I’ve worked with do the heavy lifting and more dangerous aspects of the job that people like me aren’t physically capable or confident enough to do. I’m happy to deal with the red tape and do the clean up for them if they take care of something I’d struggle doing.

  20. I’m a woman in the IT field and I’ve worked with/gone to school with pretty much only men my whole career. I think a mix is ideal.

    Cons of all men:
    I’ve gotten creepy vibes along the way with nerd types I’m convinced have never talked with women before lol.
    I also think there is occasionally men who assume you don’t know anything or that they know better. My name is unisex so I’ve talked to men over email about their tech problems and they’re super chill then I see them in person and they seem really off-put by my help. Happened a few times.

    Pros of all men:
    People want to hire women in fields dominated by men so the market is less competitive. I’m not saying women aren’t qualified for their jobs in these fields!!! BUT I do think it’s a little easier to get in at the beginning as a woman. Then it’s on you to show your worth and stay in.
    Also, little to no drama. Before IT I worked with all women in a bar and at a hair salon. Constant drama lol. Maybe it was the age range though.

  21. Men, less drama. Im a woman lol. Men can b drama too but women r worse

  22. I don’t work in a super professional environment, work in a restaurant. It’s mostly women and I like it. But there’s a few men, and I enjoy the banter with them sometimes!

  23. A good mix of both. When I was at a big corporate office, I got along well with both women and men of all ages. If I felt like joking around, I’d find the IT guys. If I was having a bad day, I’d find my work moms. If I wanted to tell someone about a great first date, I’d find the younger people.

    After years of working with only men in a small office, I don’t think I could ever work with only or mostly men again. All conversations are extremely surface level. There is very little chit chat. We don’t experience the world in the same way. It’s extremely isolating after a while.

  24. my current place of employment only has women. it’s a woman owned business & it’s great tbh. my coworkers are the best. i’ve never had to worry about being verbally harassed by men again 🌸

  25. People say men are less drama but for me they are more drama because I am bad with boundaries and I like sex too much and if I put that in work then there is lots and lots of drama.

    Now I am in nursing and aged care so it’s mostly women so I’m okay. There are some doctors who are men but they mostly ignore us anyway we are just furniture.

  26. I would say somewhere in between. I just feel that having a mixture is a better way to go. Men and women work differently. It depends on the job tbh.

  27. I like a good balance. I’ve mostly worked at female dominated workplaces including having only had female bosses, and it was a really bad experience. Lots of workplace bullying, talking behind my back and grouping up on me.

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