I would consider myself an introvert who loves being around people and making new connections, but I never want to be the center of attention or the loudest in the room. Lately, I’ve been attending social events alone in an effort to meet new people and make new friends. However, when I’m around others I automatically assume that the people I’m trying to connect with are thinking that I’m not “cool enough, pretty enough, smart enough” for them to like me as a person. Recently, I joined a girls group where I’m the oldest in the group by 3 years. Every time I leave the group I just think I’m not good enough and too weird for any of them to want to be my friend even tho each girl has been nothing but nice to me. But I started to notice I feel that way wherever I go… I feel like people are looking at me like I’m a weird person when I’m not actually doing anything that should make people think that. Anyone have tips or advice on how to deal with this?

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