So a guy has been interested in me for the past few months and has indirectly implied that he has wanted to go out with me. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t any interest from my part as well. I feel we get along really well and we often have so much fun when we are together.

One day we were talking about past relationships and sex and he admits that he didn’t have sex with his past girlfriend because she wanted to be a virgin for religious reasons as she was a devout catholic. I noticed some of his hookups stories were from the time he was dating the girl and I was like did you cheat??? To which he says he was just sexually active while she wasn’t. I call him out and tell him that is not okay to which he says he felt being celibate was fine in the first year of the relationship but the second year it wasn’t fine. He tried to have a conversation with his girlfriend about breaking up but he didn’t know how to approach because just wanting to breaking up was too vague for her and she wasn’t fine with breaking up. They eventually broke up after the second year. This whole situation seemed like a red flag to me because it seemed like he was justifying what he did to me. He also told his friends in December that he won’t date anyone for a few years. But I am really confused as to why he asked me out two months ago.

TLDR : A guy that likes me cheated on his girlfriend. Potentially might like him back too but don’t know how to feel about it.

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