In your journey to self awareness, what was a strange thing that you found about yourself?

  1. I‘m really not into lazy people, stoners and fat chicks. I like to surround myself with active people that push each other to higher achievements.

  2. I don’t think I’ve found anything strange about myself, I just found regular negative shit like me being a lazy fuck. Most of the strange things about me are blatantly obvious, like me bursting into making random ass noises all the time while I’m at my house, or deconstructing certain foods like quesadillas or pizzas before eating each ingredient individually. I didn’t have to do any searching for the strange stuff.

  3. I’m not even using 10% of my true potential and tend to overthink and over-analise.

  4. That a lot of people misunderstands me. Part of that reason is that I have a monotone voice and I’m quite direct. But in my mind it sounds friendly/fine.

  5. I’m not approachable and at the same time I don’t like approaching people.

  6. I don’t “need” other people in my life to be happy and content

  7. I’m not really that moral a person. I don’t go out of my way to do bad things, per se, but a lot of societally accepted norms don’t really mean that much to me when I think about them.

  8. I hate making new connections , it’s not like i can’t but i don’t want to !!

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