What’s the most beautiful country you’ve ever visited?

  1. It’s a toss-up between Switzerland and Scotland. Out of all the places I’ve visited, the rural scenery is unmatched. Some areas were so beautiful; they looked like paintings.

    I’m from England, and I suppose I don’t appreciate my own country enough because we have some beautiful scenic places too, but Scotland is something else.

  2. I go with Scotland too.

    It’s just a magical unicorn land. I remember driving through the highlands after rain and there just was a rainbow between the hills and scotish cows and lochs and nothing ever can be this beauiful again.

    Also… when we stopped the first time in a small village in front of a pub for lunch it was a little bit rainy and in front of the picture perfect pub stood a guy in full kilt look an played bagpipe. Ridiculous amount of cliché but I loved it

  3. Jordan. The skies are the bluest anywhere, the people are wonderful, food is amazing and the archaeology and cultural heritage is a dream!

  4. Greece, but Switzerland and Scotland are both on my travel list so glad to see them mentioned so many times!

  5. In terms of raw natural beauty I’d say australia

    Vanuatu was beautiful too but didn’t have the same range

  6. Ecuador, did my internship there. Most biodiverse country on earth! Breathtaking mountains, beautiful beaches, the amazon and much more all in the same country.

  7. I’ve visited most countries of Western Europe and Northern Europe, as well as the Eastern and Western coasts of Canada, and all of these countries have breathtaking places.

    But Norway has a special place in my heart.

  8. Japan, specifically Toyama prefecture. Going up into the mountains there was absolutely gorgeous, but even living along the coast was fantastic. Having wild pheasants around my neighborhood was pretty amazing.

  9. USA. The Blue Ridge Parkway is amazing. The Rocky Mountains are breathtaking and Yellowstone is a religious/holy place. And the colors of a desert sunset? The way deserts and the plains just stretch on and on. Seeing a condor soaring over the Grand Canyon.

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