I Am (F) 27 years old now and my (M)Ex ex-boyfriend is 34 I met him in 2016, we started dating in January 2017 and I broke up with him in May 2021, I was 19 when we started dating. I believe that I have been the one trying to make the relationship work but on the other hand, he, wasn’t, he claims busy whenever I call him, and he doesn’t care about me, there’s was a time I asked him if his tired of the r/ship we can end it, he said his not but his having some financial challenges and priorities was to make money which I knew, his a tech guy.
I needed more of him, like attention, love, and care but I wasn’t getting any of it and I had this feeling that he was seeing someone else. He is not the calling type, an introverted person. I graduated in 2019 and my course is a 4years course, I started seeking attention, love and I wasn’t getting it I was working and earning little money, and besides he wasn’t earning money that’s why I know but I believe in him that he will succeed, despite the fact he wasn’t giving me anything but I needed his time, affection attention, etc. and I stick to the r/ship.

One day I called him, and he said his driving his cousin to the car park she was traveling to and that he would call me back as usual which he had forgotten to do. I waited for his call I didn’t get any. I was very angry I picked up my phone and sent a message in the morning a broken-up message, and he replied that he said that I shouldn’t say he didn’t love me and blablabla.
I had been expecting his calls, but for over 12 days he didn’t call, when he called he acted like everything was cool and he didn’t apologize for his actions he kept on coming to my place of work 3-4 consecutive times without saying anything or apologizing.
And I believe he was tired of the r/ship and I decided to break up and give him some space.

Thrice or Twice a year he will send a WhatsApp message, and we will chat normally.
Last year December he sent me a message and we chatted intensively, he was asking if I was in a relationship I said No. Ever since we broke up I haven’t been in or dated anyone and I asked he too the same question he said No, he said he once dated after we broke up it ended in February 2023. And we chatted this year like 3 times, the chat was formally chatting nothing.

And I still love him, he was my first date, and I have been thinking of him.
The last time he sent me a message on Wednesday, it was a Christian video a link that was held every morning and that’s what he normally sends to me and we will just greet and that’s it.
But I replied to the message and asked if it would be convenient for me to call the next day he said YES and I called him on Friday last week we spoke just briefly and I didn’t know how to lead the conversation.
He sent me a message that same day, he just got home, and he was at work. And he said he would like to see me, last year when we chatted he said the same thing and I told him is left to him if he really what to see me, and we are not in the same state.

I told him that would be when I take my office leave to see my family and he said I should let him know so that he will do the same by taking his leave.

Do you think he still wants me back?
How do I make this work out?


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